Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ramadhan is Monday!

Diposkan oleh septy fransisca

The first of Ramadan will be on Monday, August 1, 2011 Insha Allah
Eid ul-Fitr will be on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Insha Allah

“Ramadan 1432 AH: The Astronomical New Moon is on July 30, 2011 (Saturday) at 18:40 Universal Time (9:40 pm Makkah time). Sunset at Makkah on July 30 is at 7:01 pm local time, while moonset at Makkah is 6:41pm local time (20 minute before sunset). Therefore the following day Sunday, July 31, 2011 is not the 1st day of Ramadan. First day of Ramadan is Monday, August 1, insha’Allah. First Tarawih prayer will be on Sunday night.”

This information is from the website of the Masjid Al-Salam in Tulsa, Oklahoma:

So eat like a son-of-a-gun today! LOL Not really, but I really admire Muslims and their ability to go so long without food for their religion. They can eat everyday still, but it has to be after sunset and before sunrise. Here in Oklahoma that’s after 9pm and before 5:30 am! That’s too long for me, I’d have to eat in my sleep! lol

I might yet try to fast along with my Muslim followers and friends for a short period of time, even though I’m not Muslim, just to show solidarity. People are always so prejudiced and mean toward Muslims for no good reason other than fear. Anyone who has ever seen a Klansman’s cross knows that Christians are not all that, either.

I hope Muslims can at least drink water because it is SOOOO HOTTTT lately. Over 40 degrees Celsius every single day for two months already! But just like the Catholics do for Lent, they do without to pledge allegiance to their faith. They also use this next month or so to do good deeds and charity work. It really is admirable.

So, to all the practicing Muslims I say, “Ramadan Mubarak”!

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